In today’s YouTube world there’s an overwhelming number of personalities who’ve been documenting their reselling adventures. As someone who’s spent an unhealthy amount of time watching these channels for entertainment and knowledge, I’m uniquely qualified to give a brief overview for some of my favorite channels. As with anything, this list is all very subjective to my personal tastes and interests, but if any of these channels pique your interest, I suggest you give them a whirl to find out for yourself. The following channels are in alphabetical order.
Image | Name | Description |
![]() | ADHDave | ADHDave (formerly NC Picker) is a rare breed in that he’s unafraid to publicize his mistakes. In fact, his gaffes are often the main hook of his videos. There’s great value to watching Dave, because in reselling it’s just as important to learn what NOT to do or buy. His Flips channel is mostly footage of him working out of his garage, pulling and packing orders while trying not to get sidetracked by an endless stream of thoughts and tangents. His Picks channel is footage of him bouncing around Florida yard sales and flea markets with fellow YouTubers and his mom, who often steals the show. |
![]() | American Arbitrage | Carey specializes in picking sports cards and collectibles. He picks with his partner, Dawn, who he admits is a much more competent picker than himself. His biting sense of humor comes alive on the Trash to Cash podcast, where’s always firing friendly barbs at pod mates ADHDave and Commonwealth Picker. Their collective chemistry makes for one of (and maybe the only) entertaining podcasts focused on reselling. |
![]() | Bearded Thrift Machine | Julian and his partner are a great watch for resellers of all experience levels. They pick a wide variety of dude stuff (tools, outdoor gear, golf clubs) and lady things (jewelry, purses, clothes). They impart their knowledge without any sense of arrogance or condescension. They seem like genuinely good, nice people. |
![]() | Bonafide Hustler | It’s a bird…It’s a plane…It’s Aquaman! Though he bears a striking resemblance to this MCU character, Chris’s superpower is the ability to find and flip larger items like bicycles, furniture, and antique booth fodder. He’s one of the few YouTubers who I’ve bumped into IRL because we’re both based in Austin. This is a great channel to watch if you’re interested in the art of local flips. He’s also created a series of paid digital guides to learn specific categories. |
![]() | Cincinnati Picker | John is a seemingly affable and humble kitchen sink picker. He posts less frequently these days (maybe due to seasonality), but has otherwise maintained the same approach for years. When it comes to categories he’s a jack of all trades with enough general resale knowledge to yield some diverse picking hauls. After a day out at Cincinnati yard sales his trunk will be loaded with sports and music memorabilia, vintage pop culture items, and even some personal shopping items, like laundry detergent. |
![]() | Commonwealth Picker | Kevin, who quit his teaching career to become a full time reseller, has essentially launched a Commonwealth picking empire. He’s a shrewd negotiator and haggler, but is always honest about his intentions and fair to the people he’s dealing with. He’s generally knowledgable across several categories. The EneMan, the most unlikely mascot ever, has come to represent his brand. His Picker channel finds him around Virginia and sometimes traveling the country’s largest highway sales looking for anything and everything he can make a buck on, including vintage Tupperware. His Flipper channel focuses on life pulling orders from the Commonwealth Cabin and a second structure recently built on his property. |
![]() | Craigslist Hunter | Pete, a seminal figure in the world of flipping, is the inspiration for many of the YouTubers who came after him. He runs a pawn shop in Illinois, so the brick and mortar perspective is different from basically every other channel on this list. Most of his content centers on the interactions between himself, his staff, his customers, and the pets inhabiting his store. |
![]() | Diary of a Flipper | The bloke in front of the camera is named Judda and his channel name is Diary of a Flipper. Judda is the type of guy to smash a can of VB right before hitting up a thrift, start a video drinking a can of Jim Beam whilst wearing a Bert & Ernie singlet and is overall the type of guy who you would love to take thrifting and have a beer with afterwards. |
![]() | Flipping Junk | Wick’s channel follows the exploits of a very down to earth dude picking his way through the local Goodwills, yard sales, and estate sales. He drops a lot of useful knowledge in a way that’s approachable. |
![]() | Florida Pickers | A picking power couple who come across and generally amiable and pragmatic. They’re relatable and honest in their encounters with others at yard sales, estate sales, and church rummage sales. They pick a wide variety items, so it’s not uncommon to learn some new BOLOs from watching their channel. |
![]() | Froggy Flips | Froggy’s subscriber count has grown to be one of, if not THE most followed reselling related channel. His content has mostly pivoted away from following him on the garage sale trails. Most of his newer videos find him at collector conventions and meeting people for private picks. If you’re obsessed with ogling vintage toys and collectibles, then this is your guy. |
![]() | Golden State Picker | Mike is an experienced picker with a bevy of good reselling info and strategies, especially for books, media, and electronics. His videos are typically just him hanging out in his garage, providing motivation and confidence to anyone who stumbles upon his content. |
![]() | Kurt Curtis | Formerly a kitchen sink style picker, Kurt’s has narrowed his focus to creating content about his true passion: wrestling cards. If you’re looking for a new micro niche, then this might be for you. |
![]() | Mountain Man Treasure | Troy is a gentleman with a booming voice made for radio, well, because he has a professional background in broadcasting. Follow along as he picks the Montana countryside, looking for anything and everything with profitability. |
![]() | One Foot Flipper | One Foot Flipper has turned a perceived weakness, the loss of a limb, into a strength. His videos bring levity to his situation, and should serve as inspiration for anyone needs an example that anything is possible if you’re willing to try. His content angles and topics are often novel, refreshing, and sometimes just plain silly but useful. |
![]() | Philly Phlipper | Paul, who’s relocated to Florida, has a personality and a frame that are larger than life. The gentle giant of the reseller world, he always has a good time bantering with the folks he meets during his picking adventures at garage sales and flea markets. In the process of trying to strike a deal he’s also always trying to make a joke or two. He’s been particularly prolific with content creation, so there’s a huge backlog of videos to watch if you’re trying to get caught up. |
![]() | Picking and Punching | Rod, who’s lived another life as a professional wrestler, has chosen to get in the ring with a new hobby: reselling. He seems particularly knowledgeable about video games and pop culture trinkets, like toys. He has a good rapport with many of the resellers mentioned in this article, and is often featured in picking videos with ADHDave, Philly Phlipper, and Commonwealth Picker. |
![]() | Prime Time Treasure Hunter | Dom has expert level knowledge of comic books, collectibles, and ephemera. His estate sale videos are top tier, where he’ll walk you through his treasure hunting strategies and finds. |
![]() | Pro Picker | Dustin and his partner are video game and pop culture seekers. Their relentless ability to scour sales and come out with big hauls might be just the motivation you need to keep pushing on in your pursuit of goods to sell. In any given video it’s common for them to split into separate parties whilst they search for their next big find. |
![]() | Ready Set Resell | RSR is a fountain of knowledge around categories such as clothes, video games, and pop culture stuff. Over the years he’s had some legendary garage sale and estate sale hauls that would be enough to make any collector or reseller’s mouth water. |
![]() | Retro Rescuers | Retro Rescuers are a husband and wife team who bring their eccentric personalities into their thrifting careers and put out banger videos like “Thrifting In Our Cities Most Dangerous Suburb”, an obvious play on the trend of YouTube personalities venturing into “dangerous” suburbs for walk through videos. The channel is really fun and I’ve watched majority of their videos as their catalog is still growing with only 60 videos. Each video follows Mitchell and Erin as they visit thrift store after thrift store finding some pretty sweet nostalgia items and sharing tips along the way. |
![]() | Rudy Works | Rudy Works is often found skating sale-to-sale around the streets of Los Angeles. He always seems like he’s willing to do the hard work of showing up somewhere early and digging through piles to find the gold. His hauls are typically filled with amazing vintage pop culture stuff. |
![]() | Shed Flips | The channel is really fun and I’ve watched majority of their videos as their catalog is still growing with only 60 videos. Each video follows Mitchell and Erin as they visit thrift store after thrift store finding some pretty sweet nostalgia items and sharing tips along the way. |
![]() | Team Resell | These retro hounds have an intense energy in their pursuit of the finest retro pop culture goods around Indiana. Grail-level graphic tees, toys, and video games are what they’re after, and if you get in their way, they might just mow you down! |
![]() | Tennessee Picker | TP is a southern gentlemen, with a wide range of knowledge and experience around picking. YouTube Titans like Cincinnati Picker and Shed Flips have freely admitted that he’s a much better picker than they are. There’s nothing too big or small for him resell — if there’s a profit, he’s trying to strike a deal. |
![]() | Tesla Picker | Dave the Tesla Picker, with his unique video editing and chill personality, quickly became a favorite amongst other YouTubers in the resell game. His videos are enjoyable as much for the portrayal of his lifestyle as they are for his reselling exploits. He’s a talented guy with an authentic voice that’s just very different from your average picker. |
![]() | The Art of Resell | Art has some of the freshest video editing in the game. He’s likely poised to become a breakout YouTube star, so the picking part of his videos seems to be merely an avenue for him to express his personality to the people he’s interacting with across Las Vegas yard sales. |
![]() | The Auction Professor | Don often comes across prickly and condescending, but there’s no doubting his mastery of reselling. He’s a full time ephemera specialist with some eye-popping numbers in the category. Some of his ranting and raving about eBay’s shortcomings and strategies are cathartic for anyone who’s ever experienced issues with the platform. |
![]() | The Aussie Flipper | Matt’s channel showed up on my feed and I checked it out because I legit didn’t think Aussies were doing this kind of stuff. Here in Australia most people are either 1) working a 9-5 or 2) being a landlord. Seeing Matt take his future into his own hands was inspiring and no joke gave me hope that Australia’s future wasn’t just a game of real estate jenga. |
![]() | The Homeschooling Picker | Kayla and her new love interest and fellow fellow Youtuber, Matt the Part Time Picker, have rocketed up the charts to become one of YouTube’s most watched couples. They always seem to be having fun and enjoying each other's company as they pick their way through Kentucky yard sales. Recent videos have included their exploits picking on vacation in other locales. They’re each generally knowledgable across a diverse set of categories. |
![]() | The Picking Gilla | Matt is an Aussie flipper who was one of the first channels I watched when I was first starting out. I legit didn't think Aussies were interested in flipping, I thought most Aussies were either working the 9-5 or being landlords. Matt knows his stuff when it comes to shoes, DVD's and general pop culture merch. He has a lot of useful info and I definitely recommend his channel. |
![]() | Thrift Nice | Thrift Nice is a polite and affable picker who specializes in clothing and retro stuff. This is a good place to learn about women’s clothing and hang out with someone who seems genuine and sincere during her yard sale adventures. |
![]() | ThriftSchool | This is one of the first resell-centric channels I started watching. He has a lot of quality content about finding profitable items, such as games, media, toys, electronics and more in thrift stores. This is a good starting point for anyone who might feel lost or intimidated about walking into a resale thrift to pick items for reselling. |
![]() | Vincents Valuables | Vincent is one of a number of resellers based in southwest Ohio, which makes his hauls seem even more amazing. The competition in that part of the country is fierce, yet it’s still common for Vincent to post a mega haul. Like many others on this list, he seems like a genuinely nice person who’s also a genuinely good picker. |
![]() | X's House Hustles | X has a certain endearing Florida swagger. He’s always on the hunt for video games and retro pop culture goods. Most recently, he’s dedicated the profits from his picks into a fund to buy a new car. Follow along as he works his way toward a set of new wheels for new garage sale adventures. |
Description | Image |
ADHDave ADHDave (formerly NC Picker) is a rare breed in that he’s unafraid to publicize his mistakes. In fact, his gaffes are often the main hook of his videos. There’s great value to watching Dave, because in reselling it’s just as important to learn what NOT to do or buy. His Flips channel is mostly footage of him working out of his garage, pulling and packing orders while trying not to get sidetracked by an endless stream of thoughts and tangents. His Picks channel is footage of him bouncing around Florida yard sales and flea markets with fellow YouTubers and his mom, who often steals the show. | ![]() |
American Arbitrage Carey specializes in picking sports cards and collectibles. He picks with his partner, Dawn, who he admits is a much more competent picker than himself. His biting sense of humor comes alive on the Trash to Cash podcast, where’s always firing friendly barbs at pod mates ADHDave and Commonwealth Picker. Their collective chemistry makes for one of (and maybe the only) entertaining podcasts focused on reselling. | ![]() |
Bearded Thrift Machine Julian and his partner are a great watch for resellers of all experience levels. They pick a wide variety of dude stuff (tools, outdoor gear, golf clubs) and lady things (jewelry, purses, clothes). They impart their knowledge without any sense of arrogance or condescension. They seem like genuinely good, nice people. | ![]() |
Bonafide Hustler It’s a bird…It’s a plane…It’s Aquaman! Though he bears a striking resemblance to this MCU character, Chris’s superpower is the ability to find and flip larger items like bicycles, furniture, and antique booth fodder. He’s one of the few YouTubers who I’ve bumped into IRL because we’re both based in Austin. This is a great channel to watch if you’re interested in the art of local flips. He’s also created a series of paid digital guides to learn specific categories. | ![]() |
Cincinnati Picker John is a seemingly affable and humble kitchen sink picker. He posts less frequently these days (maybe due to seasonality), but has otherwise maintained the same approach for years. When it comes to categories he’s a jack of all trades with enough general resale knowledge to yield some diverse picking hauls. After a day out at Cincinnati yard sales his trunk will be loaded with sports and music memorabilia, vintage pop culture items, and even some personal shopping items, like laundry detergent. | ![]() |
Commonwealth Picker Kevin, who quit his teaching career to become a full time reseller, has essentially launched a Commonwealth picking empire. He’s a shrewd negotiator and haggler, but is always honest about his intentions and fair to the people he’s dealing with. He’s generally knowledgable across several categories. The EneMan, the most unlikely mascot ever, has come to represent his brand. His Picker channel finds him around Virginia and sometimes traveling the country’s largest highway sales looking for anything and everything he can make a buck on, including vintage Tupperware. His Flipper channel focuses on life pulling orders from the Commonwealth Cabin and a second structure recently built on his property. | ![]() |
Craigslist Hunter Pete, a seminal figure in the world of flipping, is the inspiration for many of the YouTubers who came after him. He runs a pawn shop in Illinois, so the brick and mortar perspective is different from basically every other channel on this list. Most of his content centers on the interactions between himself, his staff, his customers, and the pets inhabiting his store. | ![]() |
Diary of a Flipper The bloke in front of the camera is named Judda and his channel name is Diary of a Flipper. Judda is the type of guy to smash a can of VB right before hitting up a thrift, start a video drinking a can of Jim Beam whilst wearing a Bert & Ernie singlet and is overall the type of guy who you would love to take thrifting and have a beer with afterwards. | ![]() |
Flipping Junk Wick’s channel follows the exploits of a very down to earth dude picking his way through the local Goodwills, yard sales, and estate sales. He drops a lot of useful knowledge in a way that’s approachable. | ![]() |
Florida Pickers A picking power couple who come across and generally amiable and pragmatic. They’re relatable and honest in their encounters with others at yard sales, estate sales, and church rummage sales. They pick a wide variety items, so it’s not uncommon to learn some new BOLOs from watching their channel. | ![]() |
Froggy Flips Froggy’s subscriber count has grown to be one of, if not THE most followed reselling related channel. His content has mostly pivoted away from following him on the garage sale trails. Most of his newer videos find him at collector conventions and meeting people for private picks. If you’re obsessed with ogling vintage toys and collectibles, then this is your guy. | ![]() |
Golden State Picker Mike is an experienced picker with a bevy of good reselling info and strategies, especially for books, media, and electronics. His videos are typically just him hanging out in his garage, providing motivation and confidence to anyone who stumbles upon his content. | ![]() |
Kurt Curtis Formerly a kitchen sink style picker, Kurt’s has narrowed his focus to creating content about his true passion: wrestling cards. If you’re looking for a new micro niche, then this might be for you. | ![]() |
Mountain Man Treasure Troy is a gentleman with a booming voice made for radio, well, because he has a professional background in broadcasting. Follow along as he picks the Montana countryside, looking for anything and everything with profitability. | ![]() |
One Foot Flipper One Foot Flipper has turned a perceived weakness, the loss of a limb, into a strength. His videos bring levity to his situation, and should serve as inspiration for anyone needs an example that anything is possible if you’re willing to try. His content angles and topics are often novel, refreshing, and sometimes just plain silly but useful. | ![]() |
Philly Phlipper Paul, who’s relocated to Florida, has a personality and a frame that are larger than life. The gentle giant of the reseller world, he always has a good time bantering with the folks he meets during his picking adventures at garage sales and flea markets. In the process of trying to strike a deal he’s also always trying to make a joke or two. He’s been particularly prolific with content creation, so there’s a huge backlog of videos to watch if you’re trying to get caught up. | ![]() |
Picking and Punching Rod, who’s lived another life as a professional wrestler, has chosen to get in the ring with a new hobby: reselling. He seems particularly knowledgeable about video games and pop culture trinkets, like toys. He has a good rapport with many of the resellers mentioned in this article, and is often featured in picking videos with ADHDave, Philly Phlipper, and Commonwealth Picker. | ![]() |
Prime Time Treasure Hunter Dom has expert level knowledge of comic books, collectibles, and ephemera. His estate sale videos are top tier, where he’ll walk you through his treasure hunting strategies and finds. | ![]() |
Pro Picker Dustin and his partner are video game and pop culture seekers. Their relentless ability to scour sales and come out with big hauls might be just the motivation you need to keep pushing on in your pursuit of goods to sell. In any given video it’s common for them to split into separate parties whilst they search for their next big find. | ![]() |
Ready Set Resell RSR is a fountain of knowledge around categories such as clothes, video games, and pop culture stuff. Over the years he’s had some legendary garage sale and estate sale hauls that would be enough to make any collector or reseller’s mouth water. | ![]() |
Retro Rescuers Retro Rescuers are a husband and wife team who bring their eccentric personalities into their thrifting careers and put out banger videos like “Thrifting In Our Cities Most Dangerous Suburb”, an obvious play on the trend of YouTube personalities venturing into “dangerous” suburbs for walk through videos. | ![]() |
Rudy Works Rudy Works is often found skating sale-to-sale around the streets of Los Angeles. He always seems like he’s willing to do the hard work of showing up somewhere early and digging through piles to find the gold. His hauls are typically filled with amazing vintage pop culture stuff. | ![]() |
Shed Flips The highly influential channel based out of a shed that seemingly produced a wave of resellers who followed in their footsteps. Lonnie & Candace keep it simple with pull and pack videos from the confines of their Louisiana shed. They approach reselling in a candid way that has a universal appeal to all levels of pickers. | ![]() |
Team Resell These retro hounds have an intense energy in their pursuit of the finest retro pop culture goods around Indiana. Grail-level graphic tees, toys, and video games are what they’re after, and if you get in their way, they might just mow you down! | ![]() |
Tennessee Picker TP is a southern gentlemen, with a wide range of knowledge and experience around picking. YouTube Titans like Cincinnati Picker and Shed Flips have freely admitted that he’s a much better picker than they are. There’s nothing too big or small for him resell — if there’s a profit, he’s trying to strike a deal. | ![]() |
Tesla Picker Dave the Tesla Picker, with his unique video editing and chill personality, quickly became a favorite amongst other YouTubers in the resell game. His videos are enjoyable as much for the portrayal of his lifestyle as they are for his reselling exploits. He’s a talented guy with an authentic voice that’s just very different from your average picker. | ![]() |
The Art of Resell Art has some of the freshest video editing in the game. He’s likely poised to become a breakout YouTube star, so the picking part of his videos seems to be merely an avenue for him to express his personality to the people he’s interacting with across Las Vegas yard sales. | ![]() |
The Auction Professor Don often comes across prickly and condescending, but there’s no doubting his mastery of reselling. He’s a full time ephemera specialist with some eye-popping numbers in the category. Some of his ranting and raving about eBay’s shortcomings and strategies are cathartic for anyone who’s ever experienced issues with the platform. | ![]() |
The Aussie Flipper Matt’s channel showed up on my feed and I checked it out because I legit didn’t think Aussies were doing this kind of stuff. Here in Australia most people are either 1) working a 9-5 or 2) being a landlord. Seeing Matt take his future into his own hands was inspiring and no joke gave me hope that Australia’s future wasn’t just a game of real estate jenga. | ![]() |
The Homeschooling Picker Kayla and her new love interest and fellow fellow Youtuber, Matt the Part Time Picker, have rocketed up the charts to become one of YouTube’s most watched couples. They always seem to be having fun and enjoying each other's company as they pick their way through Kentucky yard sales. Recent videos have included their exploits picking on vacation in other locales. They’re each generally knowledgable across a diverse set of categories. | ![]() |
The Picking Gilla Heidi and Donnie are your fairly standard "got any video games?" low-hanging fruit resellers. This isn’t a dig at them, it’s just kind of what they do. Beginners may benefit from watching their channel and the approach to finding profitable items for resale purposes. | ![]() |
Thrift Nice Thrift Nice is a polite and affable picker who specializes in clothing and retro stuff. This is a good place to learn about women’s clothing and hang out with someone who seems genuine and sincere during her yard sale adventures. | ![]() |
ThriftSchool This is one of the first resell-centric channels I started watching. He has a lot of quality content about finding profitable items, such as games, media, toys, electronics and more in thrift stores. This is a good starting point for anyone who might feel lost or intimidated about walking into a resale thrift to pick items for reselling. | ![]() |
Vincents Valuables Vincent is one of a number of resellers based in southwest Ohio, which makes his hauls seem even more amazing. The competition in that part of the country is fierce, yet it’s still common for Vincent to post a mega haul. Like many others on this list, he seems like a genuinely nice person who’s also a genuinely good picker. | ![]() |
X's House Hustles X has a certain endearing Florida swagger. He’s always on the hunt for video games and retro pop culture goods. Most recently, he’s dedicated the profits from his picks into a fund to buy a new car. Follow along as he works his way toward a set of new wheels for new garage sale adventures. | ![]() |